
FMWBEDT Publishes its Inaugural Five-Year Economic Development & Tourism Strategy

Fort McMurray Wood Buffalo Economic Development and Tourism (FMWBEDT) is pleased to officially publish its Inaugural 5-Year Economic Development & Tourism Strategy (2022 – 2026), in coordination with the recently released RMWB Council Strategic Plan. Focused on driving the economic competitiveness of Fort McMurray Wood Buffalo, the strategy acknowledges the central role collaboration with stakeholders and Rights holders will play in increasing the region’s ability to compete nationally and globally for investment, visitation, talent, entrepreneurship, and innovation.

Fort McMurray Wood Buffalo Economic Development and Tourism (FMWBEDT) is pleased to officially publish its Inaugural 5-Year Economic Development & Tourism Strategy (2022 – 2026), in coordination with the recently released RMWB Council Strategic Plan. Focused on driving the economic competitiveness of Fort McMurray Wood Buffalo, the strategy acknowledges the central role collaboration with stakeholders and Rights holders will play in increasing the region’s ability to compete nationally and globally for investment, visitation, talent, entrepreneurship, and innovation.

We refreshed our vision to reflect our long-term aspirations to awaken the world to the dynamic economic region of Fort McMurray Wood Buffalo,” says Gregg Saretsky, Board Chair of FMWBEDT*.* “We started-off this process by taking stock of the region’s role as a global energy leader. We then paired that with other key hallmarks of what makes Fort McMurray Wood Buffalo a great place to do business, including its innovative and entrepreneurial history, strong community spirit, vast natural wonder, and so much more. Growing the local economy will take time, however we are confident this roadmap will capture the attention of new and existing investors, while keeping the needs of the existing local business community front and centre.”

Extensive stakeholder and Rights holder engagement was essential to informing the Inaugural 5-Year Economic Development & Tourism Strategy. FMWBEDT’s Board of Directors and staff set out to develop a strategy that was authentic and represented a “Made in Fort McMurray Wood Buffalo Solution.” FMWBEDT's planning process benefitted from strong levels of engagement and participation among key stakeholders and Rights holders, with a total of 79 individuals, representing 41 organizations, businesses, Indigenous communities, and other partner groups, taking part in focus groups and interviews to inform the strategy.

“One of our first priorities as an independent economic development and tourism corporation, was to uncover the authentic Fort McMurray Wood Buffalo,” says Kevin Weidlich, President & CEO of FMWBEDT. “We brought together stakeholders and Rights holders to develop an authentic community identity to help us market our region. The engagement process for our strategy gave us yet another opportunity to learn about what matters the most to stakeholders and Rights holders, helping us uncover our strengths, knowing very well that what we have to offer as a region is the real deal.”

Over the next five-years, FMWBEDT’s priorities will focus on local business and entrepreneurship, supporting innovation, attracting new business and private investment, branding, and marketing the region, and pursuing organizational excellence. The strategy outlines key economic initiatives that FMWBEDT plans to undertake independently as an organization, and initiatives that will be undertaken in partnership with local stakeholder and Rights holders.

“Our priorities reflect the themes that emerged from our engagements combined with economic research,” continues Weidlich. “The opportunities are realistic and attainable, while giving us the flexibility we need to adjust to economic opportunities and conditions. The region is poised to undertake some pretty transformative economic activities over the long-term, so it’s a very exciting time to be at the Fort McMurray Wood Buffalo economic development and tourism table.”

Starting this fall, FMWBEDT will be sharing quarterly stewardship reporting information with Council, and quarterly community reporting to show the Inaugural 5-Year Economic Development & Tourism Strategy in action. For more information on the latest news and information from FMWBEDT, please visit the news section on our website.

About Fort McMurray Wood Buffalo Economic Development & Tourism

Fort McMurray Wood Buffalo Economic Development & Tourism (FMWBEDT) is a wholly owned, arm’s-length entity of the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo, governed by an independent board of directors and managed by an entrepreneurial, customer-centric team. FMWBEDT’s focus is on creating new wealth for the region, measured as economic impact. FMWBEDT is responsible for growing and promoting investment into the region, supporting the growth of startups and existing businesses in the region, and generating tourism and visitation to the region. Our team works in concert with a number of organizations inside and outside the region to boost Fort McMurray Wood Buffalo’s reputation and strengthen our region’s competitiveness in the national and global economy.

Media Contact

Andrea Haley
Director, Brand & Marketing
Mobile: 780.907.2017